
Push notifications to your visitors with a toast, a lightweight and easily customizable alert message.

React Bootstrap docs

Dismissible toast

import { useState } from 'react'
import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast'
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'

{/* Dismisible toast example */}
const ToastDismissible = () => {

  const [show, setShow] = useState(true)
  const toggleShow = () => setShow(!show)

  return (
      <Button variant='outline-secondary' className='mb-3' onClick={toggleShow}>Toggle Toast</Button>
      <Toast show={show} onClose={toggleShow}>
            className='d-inline-block align-middle bg-primary rounded-1 me-2'
            style={{width: '1.25rem', height: '1.25rem'}}
          <h6 className='fs-sm mb-0 me-auto'>Bootstrap</h6>
          <small className='text-muted'>11 mins ago</small>
        <Toast.Body>Hello, world! This is a toast message.</Toast.Body>

render(<ToastDismissible />)


import ToastContainer from 'react-bootstrap/ToastContainer'
import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast'

{/* Stack toasts under each other by wrapiing with <ToastContainer> */}
        className='d-inline-block align-middle bg-primary rounded-1 me-2'
        style={{width: '1.25rem', height: '1.25rem'}}
      <h6 className='fs-sm mb-0 me-auto'>Bootstrap</h6>
      <small className='text-muted'>just now</small>
    <Toast.Body>See? Just like this.</Toast.Body>
        className='d-inline-block align-middle bg-primary rounded-1 me-2'
        style={{width: '1.25rem', height: '1.25rem'}}
      <h6 className='fs-sm mb-0 me-auto'>Bootstrap</h6>
      <small className='text-muted'>5 seconds ago</small>
    <Toast.Body>Heads up, toasts will stack automatically</Toast.Body>


import { useState } from 'react'
import ToastContainer from 'react-bootstrap/ToastContainer'
import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast'
import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form'

{/* Toast position example */}
const ToastPosition = () => {
  const [position, setPosition] = useState('top-start')

  return (
      <Form.Group controlId='selectToastPlacement' className='mb-3'>
        <Form.Label>Toast position</Form.Label>
        <Form.Select onChange={(e) => setPosition(e.currentTarget.value)}>
          ].map((p) => (
            <option key={p} value={p}>
        style={{minHeight: '15rem'}}
        <ToastContainer className='py-3' position={position}>
                className='d-inline-block align-middle bg-primary rounded-1 me-2'
                style={{width: '1.25rem', height: '1.25rem'}}
              <h6 className='fs-sm mb-0 me-auto'>Bootstrap</h6>
              <small className='text-muted'>11 mins ago</small>
            <Toast.Body>Hello, world! This is a toast message.</Toast.Body>

render(<ToastPosition />)

Color variations

import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast'

{/* Primary toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-primary text-white'>
    <i className='fi-bell me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Primary toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-primary'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Accent toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-accent text-white'>
    <i className='fi-lock me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Accent toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-accent'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Success toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-success text-white'>
    <i className='fi-check-circle me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Success toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-success'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Danger toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-danger text-white'>
    <i className='fi-x-circle me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Danger toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-danger'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Warning toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-warning text-white'>
    <i className='fi-alert-triange me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Warning toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-warning'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Info toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-info text-white'>
    <i className='fi-info-circle me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Info toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-info'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Dark toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='bg-dark text-white'>
    <i className='fi-clock me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Dark toast</span>
  <Toast.Body className='text-dark'>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.

{/* Custom color toast */}
  <Toast.Header closeVariant='white' className='text-white' style={{backgroundColor: '#69459e'}}>
    <i className='fi-map-pin me-2'></i>
    <span className='fw-bold me-auto'>Custom color toast</span>
  <Toast.Body style={{color: '#69459e'}}>
    Hello, world! This is a toast message.